3 Framed Art pieces - at hobby lobby

Added: 12/13/2008
Sold At: Hobby Lobby
Price: $30.00

Each peice has a jeweled cross on the inside of the frame with a word underneath it like love, peace or hope. I have wanted these since the 1st time I saw them, which was maybe a year or so ago?

Additional Info:
Located at the end of the frame section in the store, usually on the first or second group of the framed artwork. Can usually be found for 50% off (originally $50 each). A gift card to hobby lobby would be fine, I know where they are at and I can watch the ad to get the "home accents" at 50% off, full price is ridiculous. Even just one of these would be nice, that would bring me closer to the 3 then where I currently am.

Item Tags:
artwork, crosses

Wish List: Christmas 2008

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